Woodfield Centre Cosmetic Surgery London Ontario

Facial Plastic
and Cosmetic Surgery

Woodfield Centre Cosmetic Surgery London Ontario

Forehead Lift

If your eyebrows droop severely, forehead-lifting may help. A forehead-lift can help smooth the forehead skin and raise your eyebrows. It also can improve crow's feet at the outer aspects of your eyes.

Open forehead-lifts use an incision in your hairline, while endoscopic lifting uses a combination of small incisions with special instruments. Your forehead is gently lifted, and portions of over-active facial muscles are treated. The incision is then closed with stitches or clips.

The scars are generally minimal and can be camouflaged. To see how a forehead-lift might change your appearance, stand in front of a mirror and place the palms of your hands on the outer edges of your eyes, above your eyebrows. Then, gently draw the skin upward to raise the brow and forehead area. 

There may be minimal bruising afterwards and patients are socially acceptable in 2 weeks.